Additional Items for Registration:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Forms
- Health Appraisal
- Baptismal Certificate
- Registration Fee

The Protecting God's Children Workshop (PGC) is a requirement from the Archdiocese of Detroit (AOD) for volunteering at the school or chaperoning a field trip.
Once you are in the VIRTUS:
Go to the left side <click "first time registrant" <"View a List of Sessions"<Click the drop down and choose Detroit, MI (Archdiocese)<then begin looking for classes
Once you are in the VIRTUS:
Go to the left side <click "first time registrant" <"View a List of Sessions"<Click the drop down and choose Detroit, MI (Archdiocese)<then begin looking for classes
Catholic High Tuition Credit
Any student who has a sibling in a Catholic high school is eligible to receive a one time per year tuition credit of $400.
Any student who has a sibling in a Catholic high school is eligible to receive a one time per year tuition credit of $400.